TATARI 56 ruum 213

Üürile anda bürooruum

Üürile anda Tatari tänava ärisektoris, uue Eesti Statistikaameti hoone ja Swedbank peahoone vahele jääval hiljuti täielikult renoveeritud kinnistul asuvas büroohoones kolmandal korruselasuv 31,2 ruutmeetri suurune hubane büroopind.

Tuba on väga heas seisukorras – seinad on värskelt värvitud, põrandakatteks on laminaatparkett.


Electricity – all the rooms in the building are equipped with separate electrical meters.

Heating system - the building is having a new inner central heating system.

Communication systems - new and speed wiring communications systems (high-speed internet cables of both Elisa and Telia are available in the building).

Lessees are having the flexibility to use the premises 24/7 due to our security systems, (with an appropriate security tablet key).

Teise korruse rentnikele kasutuseks on ka hubane kööginurk.

Paid parking is available in front of the house, or in the parking area in the backyard of the building.

The Tatari central bus stop is next to the building.


Roosi OÜ | Tel: 605 7230 | E-mail: